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kids dental sedation in Airdrie

How To Keep Your Child Calm During Dental Procedures: Exploring Sedation Options

Having a dental procedure can be a stressful experience – especially for kids. As parents, it’s our job to ensure that our children are kept calm and safe throughout the entire process. In this article, we’ll explore how sedation options can help make sure your child remains calm and still during their dental visit. Find out what your options are and how you can keep your child feeling comfortable during their next appointment!

Introduction to Sedation for Children’s Dental Procedures

Sedation dentistry has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it can provide a much-needed sense of calm for children who may be anxious about dental procedures. There are several different types of sedation that can be used for children’s dental procedures, and the best option will depend on your child’s individual needs and preferences.

Types of Sedation Available for Children

There are a few types of sedation that are available for children who may be anxious about dental procedures. The type of sedation will be dependent on the age and weight of the child as well as the procedure that is being done.

Some of the sedation options that are available include:

1. Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective way to help your child relax during dental procedures. It is inhaled through a small mask that is placed over the nose, and it works very quickly to help your child feel calm and relaxed.

Pros: Laughing gas is one of the most popular forms of sedation for children because it is effective and has very few side effects. The effects of nitrous oxide also wear off quickly so children can drive themselves home after their procedure.

Cons: Some children may be afraid of the mask or may not like the feeling of being sedated. Nitrous oxide can also cause dizziness or nausea in some people.

2. Oral conscious sedation

Another option for sedation dentistry is oral sedation, which involves taking a pill before the procedure. Oral sedation can take a bit longer to work than nitrous oxide, but it is still an effective way to help your child relax during dental procedures. The pill will make your child drowsy, but they will still be able to respond to questions and follow directions from the dentist.

Pros: Oral sedation is typically the mildest form of sedation available. It is also one of the easiest types of sedation to administer since all you have to do is give your child a pill to take orally. Additionally, oral sedation tends to be less expensive than other forms of sedation.

Cons: One downside of oral sedation is that it can take up to an hour for the medication to take effect. This means that your child may have to wait in the dental office for a while before their procedure can begin. Additionally, oral sedation may not be strong enough to completely relieve your child’s anxiety or keep them still during the procedure if they have a high level of fear or anxiety.

3. Intravenous (IV) Sedation

If your child is extremely anxious about dental procedures, you may want to consider intravenous (IV) sedation. IV sedation is administered through a small needle placed in the hand or arm, and it works very quickly to help your child relax. IV sedation can make your child sleep through the entire procedure, so it is important that you have someone available to drive.

Pros: IV sedation is generally more effective than oral sedation in terms of relieving anxiety and keeping your child still during the procedure. Additionally, IV sedation works more quickly than oral sedation since the medication is injected directly into your child’s bloodstream.

Cons: Firstly, it is important to note that this type of sedation carries with it a very small risk of complications. These complications can include things like nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness. Additionally, IV sedation can be more expensive than other types of sedation.

Tips to Help Keep Your Child Calm During Dental Procedures

It can be difficult to watch your child go through a dental procedure, especially if they are anxious or in pain. However, there are some things you can do to help keep them calm.

Here are some tips to help keep your child calm during dental procedures:

  • Talk to them about what will happen before the procedure so they know what to expect. This can help reduce anxiety and make them feel more comfortable.
  • If possible, let them choose their own dentist and office so they feel more in control of the situation.
  • Encourage them to breathe deeply and slowly throughout the procedure to help stay calm.
  • Make sure they have a favorite stuffed animal or blanket with them for comfort.
  • Distract them with music or a movie during the procedure if possible.
  • Give them lots of praise and encouragement after the procedure is over.


For any parent, the thought of their child being afraid or uncomfortable during a dental procedure is heartbreaking. Thankfully, with the right preparation and knowledge there are ways to make dental appointments easier for your child. Sedation dentistry is one option that can help keep your child calm throughout their appointment, allowing them to receive proper care without too much stress or discomfort.

We hope this article has helped you understand sedation dentistry and how it can  benefit both you and your child when going in for routine dental visits. Our Airdrie dentist offers dental sedation for your kids so they can have a relaxed experience. Contact South Airdrie Smiles today to book your family’s next visit with our compassionate oral health team!