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tongue tie causes Airdrie dentist

Get A Clear Overview Of Tongue Tie

Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia is a congenital disease that limits the range of motion of the tongue.

An exceptionally short, thick, or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) tethers the bottom of the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth in tongue-tie, which can make breastfeeding difficult. A person with a tongue-tie may find it difficult to put out his or her tongue. Tongue-tie can affect a child’s ability to eat and swallow. You need to know that tongue can sometimes be harmless, but under certain circumstances, going for a mild surgery can be a must. 

Some Common Signs Of Tongue

The best dentists in Airdrie are providing you with the common symptoms of suffering from problems related to tongue-tie

  • Lifting the tongue to the upper teeth or moving the tongue from side to side can be difficult.
  • Sticking the tongue past the lower front teeth is a problem.
  • When the tongue is pushed out, it has a notched or heart-shaped appearance.

When Should You Consult A Dentist?

You should have a clear idea about when to get in touch with a dentist to get an effective solution for such an issue. 

  • Your baby has a tongue-tie illness that causes problems, such as difficulty breastfeeding.
  • A speech-language pathologist believes tongue-tie is affecting your child’s speech.
  • Your older child has tongue difficulties that make it difficult for him or her to eat, speak, or reach the back teeth.
  • You’re bothered by your own tongue-tie symptoms.

Major Causes Of Tongue Tie

Before birth, the lingual frenulum usually separates, allowing the tongue to move freely. The lingual frenulum is linked to the bottom of the tongue when tongue-tie is present. Although some cases of tongue-tie have been linked to certain genetic factors, it is still unclear why this arises.

Bad Outcome Of Tongue Tie

  • Problems related to breastfeeding – When a newborn is breastfed, he or she must keep his or her tongue over the lower gum while sucking. If the infant is unable to move or hold his tongue in the proper position, he or she may chew instead of sucking on the nipple. This can cause severe nipple pain and make it difficult for an infant to get breast milk. In the end, inadequate nourishment and failure to flourish might result from poor breastfeeding.
  • Difficulty faced while speaking – The ability to make particular sounds, such as “t,” “d,” “z,” “s,” “th,” “r,” and “l,” can be hampered by tongue-tie. This can appear like a small issue in the beginning, but the problem transforms into a big issue as you grow. Therefore, it should be resolved at an early age. 
  • Other oral actions pose challenges – Tongue-tie can make it difficult to do things like lick an ice cream cone, lick your lips, kiss, or play a wind instrument.
  • Improper oral hygiene causing dental issues – Tongue-tie can make it difficult to clean food debris from the teeth for an older child or adult. This can lead to tooth decay as well as gum inflammation (gingivitis). Tongue-tie can also cause a gap or space to appear between the two bottom front teeth.

We hope that going through this blog has helped you know about tongue-tie. If your kid is suffering from the problem of tongue-tie, get in touch with South Airdrie Smiles today!